Welcome to Sydney Security Cameras Referral Program. Thank you for expressing your interest, we would like to reward both you and the people you referred to us.
This program is designed to encourage people to share their experience with our service and support people who really need a professional security system.
Share your connections, support us to build more quality security systems.
We would like to say thanks and reward you for helping us make more Australian home and business safe.

If your referred business turns into a job done by us, you will receive $50 gift voucher. We'll also give your friend $50 off their security system, so they will thank you for the referral.
A referral can be made via email or verbally, please note the followings for eligible claims:
1. Can be applied to both residential or commercial systems
2. The referee must have their system installed and fully paid ( minimum order $800.00 ) before any reward can be claimed by the referrer
3. All referrals are welcome, no limit how many you can make
4. The friend you referred must not previously be in touch with Sydney Security Cameras for the case
5. Once we confirm your referral ( installation is done ), we will send the voucher to your address within 7 days by Australia Post.
You can choose from the following cards:
MYER, Target, David Jones, Priceline, SuperCheap Auto
Rebel, Ticketmaster, Good Food, SPA & WELLNESS, Coles
Kmart, HOYTS, Xbox, iTunes, the Orangutan project
Chemist Warehouse, Caltex, Flight Centre, BigW, WISH
JB Hi-Fi, BCF, Woolworths, Domino's, BigPack
If you have further questions, please contact info@SydneySecurityCameras.com.au, or ring 02 8776 3200.